Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) | 984500387B61OWACF430 |
Legal Name | P.L. PLASTICS INVESTMENTS Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (language: hu) |
Other Entity Names | P.L. PLASTICS INVESTMENTS Kft. (Trading Or Operating Name) |
Legal Address |
Frankel Leó út 12. I. em. 10. ajtó Budapest Budapest 1027 Hungary language: hu |
Headquarters Address |
Frankel Leó út 12. I. em. 10. ajtó Budapest Budapest 1027 Hungary language: hu |
Legal Jurisdiction | Hungary |
Entity Category | GENERAL |
Entity Status | ACTIVE |
Registration Authority ID | RA000391 |
Registration Authority Entity ID | 01-09-430452 |
Register Name |
National Company Register and Company Information System Országos Cégnyilvántartó és Céginformációs Rendszer |
Responsible Organisation Name |
National Company Register and Company Information System Országos Cégnyilvántartó és Céginformációs Rendszer |
Website | |
Country | Hungary (HU) |
Jurisdiction | Hungary |
Legal Form Code | P9F2 |
Managing Local Operating Unit (LOU) |
529900T8BM49AURSDO55 |
Initial Registration Date | 2024-06-27 |
Last Update Date | 2024-06-27 |
Registration Status | ISSUED |
Next Renewal Date | 2025-06-27 |
Validation Sources | Fully Corroborated |
Validation Authority ID | RA000391 |
Validation Authority Entity ID | 01-09-430452 |
Exception Category | Exception Reason | Exception Reference |
Direct Accounting Consolidation Parent | ||
Ultimate Accounting Consolidation Parent |
Headquarters Address |
Frankel Leó út 12. I. em. 10. ajtó |
City | Budapest |
Region | Budapest (HU-BU) |
Postal Code | 1027 |
Country | Hungary (HU) |
City | Budapest |
Postal Code | 1027 |
If you wish to provide additional information about P.L. PLASTICS INVESTMENTS Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság, please fill in the form below. Please note that the information provided here will be posted publicly on this page. Please do not leave any private information here. If you have privacy or any other concerns about the information on this page, please use this link to the contact form.
Data Provider | Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) |
This dataset includes 1.7 million Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs). Each entity is registered with Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), entity name, status, address, etc.