address: Fynsgade 76, Herning, DK-82, 7400, DK

DANIEL A HOLDING ApS (LEI# 6488M5C873ELDP595S54) is a legal entity registered with .

Entity Overview

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)6488M5C873ELDP595S54
Legal Name DANIEL A HOLDING ApS (language: da)
Legal Address Fynsgade 76
language: da
Headquarters Address Fynsgade 76
language: da
Legal Jurisdiction Denmark
Entity CategoryGENERAL
Entity StatusACTIVE

Registration Authority

Registration Authority IDRA000170
Registration Authority Entity ID 34627320
Register Name Central Business Register
Centrale Virksomhedsregister
Responsible Organisation Name Danish Business Authority
Website danishbusinessauthority.dk
Country Denmark (DK)

Entity Legal Form

Legal Form CodeH8VP

LEI Registration

Managing Local Operating Unit (LOU) 485100001PLJJ09NZT59
Initial Registration Date2024-08-20
Last Update Date2024-08-20
Registration StatusISSUED
Next Renewal Date2025-08-20
Validation Sources Fully Corroborated
Validation Authority IDRA000170
Validation Authority Entity ID34627320

Entity Relationship

Reporting Exceptions

Exception Category Exception Reason Exception Reference
Direct Accounting Consolidation Parent
Ultimate Accounting Consolidation Parent

Office Location

Headquarters Address Fynsgade 76
Region Midtjylland (DK-82)
Postal Code7400
Country Denmark (DK)

Entities in the same postal code

Entity Name Business Address Registration
MOEM HOLDING ApS Birk Centerpark 40, Birk, Herning, 7400, DK 2025-01-29
HNR Holding Herning ApS Revlingens Kvarter 7, Hedebyen, Herning, 7400, DK 2025-01-28
PHS, HERNING HOLDING ApS Tværtoften 52, Herning, 7400, DK 2025-01-27
Oskoak Holding ApS · Oskoak Holding IVS Bellisvej 2, Herning, 7400, DK 2025-01-24
MFM HOLDING HERNING ApS Ravnsbjergvej 32, Gjellerup, Herning, 7400, DK 2025-01-23
SEM HOLDING HERNING ApS Sneppevej 4, Herning, DK-82, 7400, DK 2025-01-22
PHDR ApS Møllegade 39, 1. tv, Herning, 7400, DK 2025-01-20
MW Consulting ApS Violens Kvarter 11, Engbyen, Herning, 7400, DK 2025-01-20
ALBÆK SANDBLÆSNING ApS Fasterholtvej 3, Arnborg, Herning, 7400, DK 2025-01-14
ABC - IKAST A/S Transportbuen 5, Herning, DK-82, 7400, DK 2025-01-02
Find all legal entities in the same postal code


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City Herning
Postal Code 7400

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Dataset Information

Data ProviderGlobal Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)

This dataset includes 1.7 million Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs). Each entity is registered with Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), entity name, status, address, etc.