Milamos i Sverige AB

address: Box 100, Klippan, SE-M, 264 22, SE

Milamos i Sverige AB (LEI# 636700IZXCMYJA58TA61) is a legal entity registered with .

Entity Overview

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)636700IZXCMYJA58TA61
Legal Name Milamos i Sverige AB (language: sv)
Legal Address Box 100
Skåne län [SE-12]
264 22
language: sv
Headquarters Address Box 100
Skåne län [SE-12]
264 22
language: sv
Legal Jurisdiction Sweden
Entity CategoryGENERAL
Entity StatusACTIVE

Registration Authority

Registration Authority IDRA000544
Registration Authority Entity ID 559300-4590
Register Name Companies Register
Responsible Organisation Name Swedish Companies Registration Office
Country Sweden (SE)

Entity Legal Form

Legal Form CodeXJHM

LEI Registration

Managing Local Operating Unit (LOU) 549300O897ZC5H7CY412
Initial Registration Date2024-07-15
Last Update Date2024-07-15
Registration StatusISSUED
Next Renewal Date2025-07-15
Validation Sources Fully Corroborated
Validation Authority IDRA000544
Validation Authority Entity ID559300-4590

Entity Relationship

Reporting Exceptions

Exception Category Exception Reason Exception Reference
Direct Accounting Consolidation Parent
Ultimate Accounting Consolidation Parent

Office Location

Headquarters Address Box 100
Region Skåne län [SE-12] (SE-M)
Postal Code264 22
Country Sweden (SE)

Entities in the same location

Entity Name Business Address Registration
Blå Station Aktiebolag Box 100, ÅHus, SE-M, 296 22, SE 2023-01-13

Entities in the same city

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Bygg- och Ledarkonsulten i Klippan AB Gråmanstorp 1015 B, Klippan, 264 91, SE 2024-06-03
Kvantum i Klippan AB LADUGÅRDSVÄGEN, Klippan, 264 36, SE 2024-02-26
Inwatech AB Fabriksvägen 12, Klippan, SE-M, 264 39, SE 2024-02-01
Meccom Industripartner AB Åbytorpsvägen 9, Klippan, SE-M, 264 39, SE 2024-01-04
Lars & Ann-Sofie Andersson Livsmedel Aktiebolag Ordensgatan 10 B, Klippan, SE-M, 264 35, SE 2023-12-12
Innovent Klippan AB Klostervägen 4 E, Klippan, 264 35, SE 2023-09-21
MGJ85 AB Näckrosstigen 5, Klippan, SE-M, 264 37, SE 2023-07-14
EWT AB Torggatan 55, Klippan, SE-M, 264 34, SE 2023-05-11
Söndraby El Aktiebolag Järnvägsgatan 28, Klippan, SE-M, 264 33, SE 2023-05-10
Skånebryggan AB · Skanebryggan AB Ekvägen 12, Klippan, SE-M, 264 93, SE 2022-12-15
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City Klippan
Postal Code 264 22

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OLH Sverige AB C/O Larsson, varvsgatan 4F, Marstrand, SE-O, 442 67, SE 2024-07-08
RR Sverige AB Byängsgränd 14, ÅRsta, SE-AB, 120 40, SE 2024-05-31
VA-guiden Sverige AB Brukskontoret, Skyllberg, SE-T, 694 99, SE 2024-06-12
Teoricentralen Sverige AB c/o Denny Soulaka, Eskilstuna, SE-D, 633 47, SE 2024-07-23
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Dataset Information

Data ProviderGlobal Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)

This dataset includes 1.7 million Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs). Each entity is registered with Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), entity name, status, address, etc.