Handelsbanken Sverige LM Index

address: c/o Handelsbanken Fonder, c/o Handelsbanken Fonder, Blasieholmstorg 12, Stockholm, SE-AB, 106 70, SE

Handelsbanken Sverige LM Index (LEI# 636700GVPF0KBPD9I849) is a legal entity registered with .

Entity Overview

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)636700GVPF0KBPD9I849
Legal Name Handelsbanken Sverige LM Index (language: sv)
Legal Address c/o Handelsbanken Fonder
c/o Handelsbanken Fonder
Blasieholmstorg 12
Stockholms län [SE-01]
106 70
language: sv
Headquarters Address c/o Handelsbanken Fonder
c/o Handelsbanken Fonder
Blasieholmstorg 12
Stockholms län [SE-01]
106 70
language: sv
Legal Jurisdiction Sweden
Entity CategoryFUND
Entity StatusACTIVE

Registration Authority

Registration Authority IDRA000546
Registration Authority Entity ID 515603-3416
Responsible Organisation Name Swedish Tax Authority
Website www.skatteverket.se/servicelankar/otherlanguages/inenglish.4.12815e4f14a62bc048f4edc.html
Country Sweden (SE)

Entity Legal Form

Legal Form Code9999
Legal FormVärdepappersfond

LEI Registration

Managing Local Operating Unit (LOU) 549300O897ZC5H7CY412
Initial Registration Date2024-06-25
Last Update Date2024-06-25
Registration StatusISSUED
Next Renewal Date2025-06-25
Validation Sources Fully Corroborated
Validation Authority IDRA000547
Validation Authority Entity ID76299

Entity Relationship

Start Node Relationship Type End Node Relationship Period
Handelsbanken Sverige LM Index
Relationship: 2024-06-25~
Validation Sources: Fully Corroborated; Validation Documents: Supporting Documents; Reference: https://www.fi.se/sv/vara-register/foretagsregistret/details/?id=669714

Reporting Exceptions

Exception Category Exception Reason Exception Reference
Direct Accounting Consolidation Parent
Ultimate Accounting Consolidation Parent

Office Location

Headquarters Address c/o Handelsbanken Fonder
Blasieholmstorg 12
Region Stockholms län [SE-01] (SE-AB)
Postal Code106 70
Country Sweden (SE)

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Handelsbanken Selection Fixed Income C/O Handelsbanken Fonder, Blasieholmstorg 12, Stockholm, SE-AB, 106 70, SE 2024-07-18

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City Stockholm
Postal Code 106 70

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Dataset Information

Data ProviderGlobal Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)

This dataset includes 1.7 million Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs). Each entity is registered with Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), entity name, status, address, etc.