address: Mårdalen 43, Rådal, NO-46, 5236, NO

B.B HANSEN HOLDING AS (LEI# 636700CX48L81C6BFB47) is a legal entity registered with .

Entity Overview

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)636700CX48L81C6BFB47
Legal Name B.B HANSEN HOLDING AS (language: no)
Legal Address Mårdalen 43
language: no
Headquarters Address Mårdalen 43
language: no
Legal Jurisdiction Norway
Entity CategoryGENERAL
Entity StatusACTIVE

Registration Authority

Registration Authority IDRA000472
Registration Authority Entity ID 934 039 394
Register Name The Register of Business Enterprises
Responsible Organisation Name The Brønnøysund Register Centre
Website brreg.no
Country Norway (NO)

Entity Legal Form

Legal Form CodeYI42

LEI Registration

Managing Local Operating Unit (LOU) 549300O897ZC5H7CY412
Initial Registration Date2024-09-06
Last Update Date2024-09-06
Registration StatusISSUED
Next Renewal Date2025-09-06
Validation Sources Fully Corroborated
Validation Authority IDRA000472
Validation Authority Entity ID934 039 394

Entity Relationship

Reporting Exceptions

Exception Category Exception Reason Exception Reference
Direct Accounting Consolidation Parent
Ultimate Accounting Consolidation Parent

Office Location

Headquarters Address Mårdalen 43
Region NO-46 (NO-46)
Postal Code5236
Country Norway (NO)

Entities in the same postal code

Entity Name Business Address Registration
KAB 748 HOLDING AS Sætervegen 29, RÅDal, 5236, NO 2024-04-09
ØA HOLDING AS · Oa Holding As Nordgardsvegen 111, Rådal, NO-46, 5236, NO 2024-02-23
TO-SK INVEST AS Nordgardsvegen 49, RÅDAL, Bergen, NO-46, 5236, NO 2022-06-13
Förvaltningsaktiebolaget Knuten C/O Staffan Nyström, Venåsen 14 B, Radal, NO-46, 5236, NO 2022-04-26
PKI LEGETJENESTE AS Bjørnevegen 49, RÅDal, NO-46, 5236, NO 2021-12-14
KROHNÅS UTVIKLING AS · Krohnas Utvikling As Harald Skjolds veg 29A, Rådal, NO-46, 5236, NO 2021-06-03
EIANOR INVEST AS c/o Eivind A Norebø, Bjørnevegen 39, RÅDal, NO-46, 5236, NO 2021-05-20

Entities in the same city

Entity Name Business Address Registration
HAJEM SKAAR INVEST AS Øvre Krohnåsen 39, RÅDal, 5239, NO 2024-12-05
KRØSUS REDITUS AS Apeltunlien 54, RÅDal, 5238, NO 2024-10-23
SOLISA PEPPER AS Nordåsvegen 121, Rådal, NO-46, 5235, NO 2024-10-10
WEST COAST CAPITAL AS Nordåsvegen 102, RÅDal, NO-46, 5235, NO 2024-10-08
SER INVEST AS Holtaåsen 20I, RÅDal, 5239, NO 2024-09-25
VIKJAFJELL INVEST AS Apeltunlien 54, RÅDal, NO-46, 5238, NO 2024-09-05
IRISGÅRDEN HOLDING AS · Irisgarden Holding As Laguneveien 7, Rådal, NO-46, 5239, NO 2024-08-27
ASMART AS c/o Asle Martinsen, Nedre Smøråsvegen 31B, Rådal, NO-46, 5238, NO 2024-07-03
DONKEY BUSINESS AS Vestre Storheilia 23, Rådal, NO-46, 5239, NO 2024-06-18
HARDANG INVEST AS c/o Brynjulf Hardang, Apeltunhaugene 48, Rådal, NO-46, 5238, NO 2024-05-14
Find all legal entities in the same city


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City Rådal
Postal Code 5236

Similar entities

Entity Name Business Address Registration
J.M. HANSEN HOLDING ApS Lundsackerweg 12, Braderup bei Niebüll, 25923, DE 2023-06-12
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Steffen-Hansen Holding ApS Cypernsvej 12, København S, 2300, DK 2025-01-16
AAGAARD HANSEN HOLDING ApS Skovkildevej 1, Stevns, 4652, DK 2024-11-12
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Provide Additional Information

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Dataset Information

Data ProviderGlobal Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)

This dataset includes 1.7 million Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs). Each entity is registered with Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), entity name, status, address, etc.