Stefan Lehmann Trading GmbH

address: In der Neuwies 12, Gutenacker, 56370, DE

Stefan Lehmann Trading GmbH (LEI# 391200UI0JUSUW136T17) is a legal entity registered with .

Entity Overview

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)391200UI0JUSUW136T17
Legal Name Stefan Lehmann Trading GmbH (language: de)
Legal Address In der Neuwies 12
language: de
Headquarters Address In der Neuwies 12
language: de
Legal Jurisdiction Germany
Entity CategoryGENERAL
Entity StatusACTIVE

Registration Authority

Registration Authority IDRA000302
Registration Authority Entity ID HRB 28785
Register Name Commercial Register
Responsible Organisation Name Local Court Montabaur
Amtsgericht Montabaur
Country Germany (DE)

Entity Legal Form

Legal Form Code2HBR

LEI Registration

Managing Local Operating Unit (LOU) 39120001KULK7200U106
Initial Registration Date2022-11-25
Last Update Date2024-10-08
Registration StatusISSUED
Next Renewal Date2025-11-25
Validation Sources Fully Corroborated
Validation Authority IDRA000302
Validation Authority Entity IDHRB 28785

Entity Relationship

Reporting Exceptions

Exception Category Exception Reason Exception Reference
Direct Accounting Consolidation Parent
Ultimate Accounting Consolidation Parent

Office Location

Headquarters Address In der Neuwies 12
Postal Code56370
Country Germany (DE)

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City Gutenacker
Postal Code 56370

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Dataset Information

Data ProviderGlobal Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)

This dataset includes 1.7 million Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs). Each entity is registered with Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), entity name, status, address, etc.