iSociety AB

address: Birkagatan 26, Stockholm, SE-AB, 113 39, SE

iSociety AB (LEI# 254900KYPS17P38MG184) is a legal entity registered with .

Entity Overview

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)254900KYPS17P38MG184
Legal Name iSociety AB (language: sv)
Legal Address Birkagatan 26
Stockholms län [SE-01]
113 39
language: en
Headquarters Address Birkagatan 26
Stockholms län [SE-01]
113 39
language: en
Legal Jurisdiction Sweden
Entity CategoryGENERAL
Entity StatusACTIVE

Registration Authority

Registration Authority IDRA000544
Registration Authority Entity ID 559407-4220
Register Name Companies Register
Responsible Organisation Name Swedish Companies Registration Office
Country Sweden (SE)

Entity Legal Form

Legal Form CodeXJHM

LEI Registration

Managing Local Operating Unit (LOU) 5493001KJTIIGC8Y1R12
Initial Registration Date2025-01-31
Last Update Date2025-01-31
Registration StatusISSUED
Next Renewal Date2026-01-31
Validation Sources Fully Corroborated
Validation Authority IDRA000544
Validation Authority Entity ID559407-4220

Entity Relationship

Start Node Relationship Type End Node Relationship Period
iSociety AB
Baltazar Management AB
Relationship: 2022-11-22~
Accounting: 2022-11-22~2099-12-31
Validation Sources: Entity Supplied Only; Validation Documents: Other Official Documents
iSociety AB
Baltazar Management AB
Relationship: 2022-11-22~
Accounting: 2022-11-22~2099-12-31
Validation Sources: Entity Supplied Only; Validation Documents: Other Official Documents

Office Location

Headquarters Address Birkagatan 26
Region Stockholms län [SE-01] (SE-AB)
Postal Code113 39
Country Sweden (SE)

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Entity Name Business Address Registration
Ammi Omsorg AB Birkagatan 26, JÖNkÖPing, 554 65, SE 2024-08-19

Entities in the same postal code

Entity Name Business Address Registration
Astels Consulting AB C/O Kristian Wikberg, Tomtebogatan 15, Stockholm, SE-AB, 113 39, SE 2025-01-02
Levin Investments AB TOMTEBOGATAN 8, Stockholm, 113 39, SE 2024-11-04
MM Försäkring & Fastighets AB TOMTEBOGATAN 7, Stockholm, 113 39, SE 2024-10-28
Adam Backlund AB Birkagatan 33, Stockholm, 113 39, SE 2024-10-22
Baltazar Management AB Adam Brannstrom, Birkagatan 26, Stockholm, SE-AB, 113 39, SE 2024-03-19
Olli & Gustav Holding AB C/O Jesper Andersson, Tomtebogatan 3 A, Stockholm, SE-AB, 113 39, SE 2024-03-18
Johannes Hill AB Birkagatan 16B, Stockholm, SE-AB, 113 39, SE 2023-06-16
Marcus Otterhem Fastigheter AB Kivra: 559042-1862 13B-13B, Stockholm, 113 39, SE 2023-06-07
Mårs Snickeri AB Birkagatan 23 lgh 1103, Stockholm, 113 39, SE 2023-01-12
Cros by Stockholm AB Tomtebogatan 5, Stockholm, SE-AB, 113 39, SE 2022-06-20
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City Stockholm
Postal Code 113 39

Provide Additional Information

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Dataset Information

Data ProviderGlobal Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)

This dataset includes 1.7 million Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs). Each entity is registered with Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), entity name, status, address, etc.